Meeting documents

SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Monday, 22nd November, 2021 11.00 am

  • Meeting of Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership, Monday 22nd November 2021 11.00 am (Item 8.)

To receive the verbal update (document on HWBB / ICP Structure and Governance Update to follow)


The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board noted the ongoing work and intentions regarding the Health and Wellbeing Board/Integrated Care Partnership structure and future governance arrangements.


The Chief Executive of NHS Somerset CCG began the update on the ICS, noting that the rationale for working together has been evident throughout today’s meeting.  ICS has taken the key next steps of appointing a new Chair and new CEO effective from April of next year, and they will work with partners to formulate a plan, including working with the Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Director of Public Health then discussed that partnership, noting that there is a requirement to put in place an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) underneath the ICS.  The two boards (ICS and HWB) have some overlap.  A workshop was held in October and a good discussion was held; now it will need to be decided how to go forward. It provides an opportunity in Somerset to start to blur some of the boundaries between health and care services and the wider determinants of health, and to determine a clearer connection between health and care and those things that influence them.  She pointed to Section 3.7 in the covering report, which identifies four main points discussed at the workshop that need to be considered as part of the next phase:


·         Clarity between the two boards and understanding their remit

·         The need to keep the structure simple in order for members of the community to interact with both boards (possibly having joint public question times)

·         Size of board membership - not too large and possibly common membership (at least to some extent)

·         Desire to maintain the Improving Lives agenda

The recommendations from the workshop for the Health and Wellbeing Board are threefold:


·         Establish a close working relationship between the HWB and the ICP following its establishment

·         Align HWB and ICP agendas and work programmes

·         Have committees in common on both boards


After the informal workshop, the discussion needs to be formal and satisfy all of the legal requirements of both boards going forward.  Although the new arrangements must be in place by 22 April 2022, there will probably be a period of development over the next year or so, as the ICS develops and the new Council develops, things may morph.


The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board received the report and noted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: